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'INCREDIBLE' Revolution Beauty donation

‘INCREDIBLE’ is the only word to describe the AMAZING donation Suited for Success received from Revolution be yesterday on a pallet of 25 large boxes brimming with gorgeous ‘brand new’ make-up and beauty products.

We were contacted by Revolution in October by the product team offering the donation due to due to downsizing their head office in Camden, London and reducing the amount of stock we have in our office storage.

In early November we received an amazing 25 boxes brimming with unused/new makeup including face products, eyeshadow palettes, lip products, bath bombs, make-up brushes and much more across all the Revolution brands.

Team Revolution love to get involved with good causes and help out where we can. We’re really appreciative of your cause, especially in today’s climate - Alex Dignum​, New Product Development Assistant

The fantastic make-up donation will make up gifts bags for our clients to look and feel great ready for their job interviews and employment.

We are so grateful for the incredible support from Revolution Beauty . Thank You!



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