Celebrating our 5th birthday
We had such a fantastic evening celebrating our 5th birthday on 27th April. It was really lovely to see so many of our amazing volunteers, business supporters, staff and trustees filling the room celebrating our journey so far.
We also loved sharing our exciting plans and aspirations for the next 5 years as we look forward to continuing to level the playing field and support more people into employment. Suited for Success really wouldn't happen without our amazing supporters.
We're looking forward to sharing our exciting plans soon that will further develop our work to support the unemployed and the launch of our high-five fundraising campaign in May.
Special thanks to:
Saint Paul's House in the heart of the Jewellery Quarter for hosting our birthday get together and for supporting Suited for Success as a local charity.
Blondies Cakehouse for our gorgeous branded cupcakes (Instagram @blondiescakehouse)
Also BBC radio presenter and events host Nikki Tapper for hosting our 'Conversation with Suited for Success' Q&A panel session.